Tour South Africa 2024 - Babies revisited

Jan Peter Kerstens


114% bereikt van mijn streefbedrag € 8.000

The smiles that Orange Babies brings to the children's faces

“Tour South Africa 2024 - Babies revisited”  

February 2024

Dear family, friends & colleagues,

Many African kids have great dreams of living a happy life, becoming a teacher, a technician, or a doctor. But simply due to the circumstances under which they have stepped on to this world, they will have difficulties to make their dreams come through. We at Orange Babies are there to support the very young and vulnerable children to support them in trying to realize their dreams, make their hopes more realistic and make their wishes come through, whenever possible.

As some of you may know, for several years I was a board member at Orange Babies, an Amsterdam based NGO & charity. This was up to 2016 and during my tenor there I also participated in the Cape Town Tour of 2015. An absolute incredible experience, which has left a lifelong impression. As many of the people close to Orange Babies claim: ‘The Babies get into your blood’ or ‘After a few years with the Babies, one’s blood starts colouring Orange’. This happened to me during those years, and this has also led me to the opportunity to participate in another round of this beautiful event.

Orange Babies foundation was established to help pregnant women with HIV and their babies in Africa. Orange Babies also supports children who are infected with the virus or who are otherwise directly affected. Orange Babies helps by offering information programs and medical care and by building orphanages, maternity clinics and shelters for these women and children.

Orange Babies is well aware of the immense scale of the AIDS problem. However, sitting idly by is not an option. It is actively supporting 20 different projects in South Africa, Zambia and Namibia. That is why OB devotes itself every day to the people who need it most! With the support of partners, donations by many sponsors, the organization of events and other campaigns. The organisation would not be able to survive without the unbridled commitment from private individuals and companies who support Orange Babies in every way, shape and form, ranging from supplying the projects with products and services, to organizing events in co‐operation with Orange Babies to raise money. Orange Babies supports as many initiatives as possible and provides the necessary promotional – and information materials.

Starting March 7th until March 17th, I will be participating in the Orange Babies 2024 Tour South Africa. During our mountain bike tour, we will be visiting various projects of Orange Babies and will be calling attention for the Tour and its objectives, both in The Netherlands as well as on the ground in Africa. Aside from the sportive and especially physical challenge, I will be cycling to save babies. With every €100, Orange Babies will be able to assure a HIV free birth, even though the mother of the child is infected.

This also brings me to you. The event asks from each of the participants to arrange as much sponsor money as we can. Eight years ago, I was lucky to get the support of many of you and was able to collect a total contribution of close to €10,000. All for the Babies, I will be  taking care of my own travel costs.

Will you support me in realizing my mission?

Please make your sponsoring through Please follow the instructions and everything will direct itself.

More information on Orange Babies, their mission and different activities and projects, can be found on: or directly through myself at or at +31651420045. Let’s assure we give these children all the opportunities to realize their dreams in life!

On behalf of the mothers and children in Africa, Thank You,


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